Case Studies

Last modified 01 Dec 2021 17:00 +01:00

This page contains real life experiences of organizations from various verticals that decided to implement midPoint, the open source leader in identity governance and administration. Learn more about challenges they faced and why midPoint was the right choice to deal with them. Do you have your own story you would like to share with midPoint community? Contact us for making that happen.

Simplification and Automation of the Processes in Higher Education With MidPoint
2023-09, by Rakkau

Rakkau replaced pre-existing tools with midPoint at Universidad del Norte within the designated timeframe and integrated all planned platforms to synchronize all users successfully.

OTP Bank Improved Onboarding and Access Request
2023-05, by IBA Group

IBA deployed midPoint at OTP Bank to comply with regulatory requirements and significantly cut down manual processes

Seamless Transition to New IdM Platform With Improved GUI and Functionality
2023-03, by Inalogy

Orange Slovensko needed to improve the GUI and transition from its legacy IdM to midPoint while keeping their systems running and meeting the deadline and budget.

Replacing a Highly Customized IdM System with midPoint
2022-11, by DAASI

The Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) needed a new IdM system as their self-developed solution had become outdated.

Transition From Legacy IdM Solution in Record Time
2022-10, by Evolveum

North Dakota State University needed to migrate from their in-house system to a sustainable IGA platform.

Vodafone Czech Republic: From Waveset to MidPoint
2022-10, by AMI Praha

A story how AMI Praha helped Vodafone move from Oracle Waveset identity management to midPoint in less than 6 months.

Deploying a Flexible IdM System on Top of the Legacy One
2022-08, by Evolveum

The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill runs the new identity management system in parallel with the legacy one.

Midpoint Integration for a Non-Governmental Organisation
2020-10, by Positive Thinking Company

A story of non-governmental organization’s difficulties with slow, prone to error manual processes solved by integrating midPoint.

Adtalem Global: Integrating a New HR System with midPoint
2020-09, by ExclamationLabs

A challenge of tight timeline for implementation of new HR system that Adtalem Global Education, the worldwide educational services provider, overcame thanks to midPoint and Evolveum’s partner support.

Case Study - Fordham University
2020-12, by Internet2 and Fordham University

When university’s home-grown system becomes increasingly difficult to maintain, the problem may be solved by joining Collaboration Success Program and implementing midPoint as part of the solution with the help of community.

Case Study - University of Louisiana at Lafayette
2020-12, by Internet2 and University of Louisiana at Lafayette

A story of troublesome provisioning and deprovisioning, and implementing midPoint as a provisioning engine within the Collaboration Success Program (CSP) as a solution to this problem.

Case Study - University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
2020-12, by Internet2 and University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

The university defined a need for an improved and extensible provisioning system to control access to a variety of resources. This need was met thanks to CSP and midPoint with its possible extensibility via open source connectors.

Case Study - Colorado School of Mines
2018-10, by Internet2 and Colorado School of Mines

A story of the university’s functioning vendor-based solution for identity management that successfully manages 90% of all automated provisioning across a variety of disparate systems.

Case Study - Colorado State University
2018-10, by Internet2 and Colorado State University

A university’s challenge with e-Identity regarding people outside of the defined CSU member population needing access to a limited set of protected resources where midPoint is used as entry registry.

Case Study - Oregon State University
2018-10, by Internet2 and Oregon State University

A situation depicting how the university easily provides access to the students, employees, and associates, but struggles to provide the same access to others and therefore is interested to solve such problem with midPoint.

Case Study - University of California, Merced
2018-10, by Internet2 and University of California, Merced

A story of utilizing the TIER Campus Success Program to accelerate the adoption of a robust IAM solution that can scale and grow with the campus while replacing a home-grown person registry with midPoint.

Case Study - University of Maryland Baltimore County
2018-10, by Internet2 and University of Maryland Baltimore County

A summary of one of the first fifty universities members of InCommon and their path to TIER deployment with midPoint as identity registry to renovate their identity architecture.

Managing Identities in the Cloud
2018, by AMI Praha

A brief commentary of what customers’ problems our partners solve by means of implementing midPoint.

Managing Access to the Resources and Tracking Issues with midPoint
2018, by Evolveum

A commentary on challenges our customer CVTI faced and how midPoint helped with self registration and validation of the scientific personnel and (cost) management of licenses.

Other languages

Systemintegration mit IAM Lösung midPoint zu SWITCH, AHVN13/ZAS & Co
2021-06, by IT Concepts, page 34, in German language

An article in German language describing an integration of midPoint with SWITCH and AHVN13/ZAS & Co in public administration and education.

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